Thursday, March 4, 2010

Animasi 3 D Lebih Baik Digunakan Dalam Penglibatan Pendidikan

10 kesan powerful Motion Graphics Tools To Create Dynamic Content (Hollywood Effects)

What is the difference between a Spielberg and jack dunno director? Effects! In order to hook your audience you need eye catching effects that leave them dumbstruck and gasping for more. In today’s world you don’t need to hire Al Pacino or Kate Winslet, you need a good motion plugin to set your viewers heart on a journey of a lifetime. Here are a set of Motion Graphics Plugins that will just do that!
(Apa perbezaan antara Spielberg dan sutradara dunno jack? Kesan! Dalam rangka untuk menyambung audiens anda memerlukan efek mata penangkapan yang membuat mereka bingung dan megap-megap yang lebih. Dalam dunia sekarang ini anda tidak perlu untuk menyewa Al Pacino atau Kate Winslet, anda memerlukan plugin gerakan yang baik . Berikut adalah Motion Graphics Plugin.)- google translate

1. 3D Serpentine
Adobe After Effects is a sophisticated video finishing tool and it guarantees a master piece. Like all master pieces, it requires hardwork. If you want to make things easy add 3D Serpentine addon package. The 3D Serpentine addon package adds complex path animations for objects, create convoluted motion patterns as well as add sophisticated attributed to enhance motion path like twists, scaling etc.

(Adobe After Effects adalah sebuah alat finishing video canggih dan jaminan master piece. Seperti semua potongan master, memerlukan hardwork. Jika anda ingin membuat hal-hal mudah menambah pakej addon Serpentine 3D. Serpentine 3D pakej addon jalan kompleks menambah animasi untuk objek, mencipta pola-pola gerakan yang berbelit-belit serta menambah dikaitkan canggih untuk meningkatkan motion path seperti twists, scaling dll)
- google translate

2. Boris FX
Boris is the industry standard for video editing tool; in fact it is an advanced tool. FX packs a great punch as Adobe After effects plugin with realistic lighting, advanced keying and color correction, compositing, DVE and vector paint. It also provides OpenGL live rendering as well as 16 bit color output completely dependent on the system7. FxFactory Pro
FxFactory Pro is a game changing software in a literal sense too. Created by Noise Industries, the FxFactory empowers hundreds of filters in leading suits like the AfterEffects, Final Cut etc. It also tweaks your graphics card to enhance rendering and other functionalities. It offers a free filter and commercial filter sets to suit the needs of hobbyists as well as professionals. It offers over 150 unmatched award winning reputed plugins and performance enhancers.

(FxFactory Pro adalah perisian permainan berubah dalam arti harfiah juga. Dibuat oleh Kebisingan Industri, yang memberi kuasa kepada ratusan FxFactory penapis dalam seting terkemuka seperti efek samping, Final Cut dll juga tweak kad grafik anda untuk meningkatkan kefungsian rendering dan lainnya. Menawarkan percuma penapis penapis dan komersil set sesuai dengan keperluan penggemar maupun profesional. Menawarkan lebih daripada 150 tertandingi kononnya memenangi penghargaan plugin dan prestasi enhancer.)-google traslate

8. Sapphire
Sapphire is a creative plugin suit from Genarts, a secret ingredient behind many Oscar Winning Films. It provides the perfect equilibrium between creative control and efficiency. It is packed with over 200 state-of-the-art image processing and synthesis effects which includes Glows, EdgeRays, LensFlare, Lightning, FilmEffect, Warps and Textures. Apart from that, it also features superior image quality.

(Sapphire adalah plugin kreatif seting daripada Genarts, bahan rahsia di balik banyak Oscar Winning Films. Memberikan keseimbangan yang sempurna antara kawalan kreatif dan kecekapan. Hal ini dikemas dengan lebih daripada 200 negara-of-the-art pengolahan imej dan kesan sintesis yang merangkumi bersinar, EdgeRays, LensFlare, Lightning, FilmEffect, Warps dan Textures. Selain itu, juga fitur high gambar yang superior.) -google translate

9. Trapcode Particular 2.0
Words cannot Trap the power of the Trapcode Particular 2.0. It provide realistic natural effects, lighting control for shaded particles, 3D camera integration, custom shapes, depth of field, and physics controls such as air resistance, gravity and turbulence. To catch Trapcode in action, go and watch Spiderman or Angels and Demons.

Short Animation berbentuk 3D


Tuesday, March 2, 2010